Empowering Legal Minds: How Fileread Transformed Discovery at Selendy Gay

Mar 11, 2024

In a world where our minds were made for more than trawling through endless information, Fileread is making waves in the legal industry. Our recent collaboration with Selendy Gay showcases how we're unburdening legal professionals with human-centered tools that evolve legal processes and the pursuit of insight.

A Dialogue with Data

At Fileread, we're not just another AI tool. We're opening a dialogue with your data, allowing you to lead the way with critical questions while we find the answers you can trust. For Selendy Gay, this meant transforming their approach to complex, high-stakes commercial cases with vast document universes.

Deeper Searches, Faster Answers

Our AI-powered platform enabled Selendy Gay to conduct natural language searches across massive document sets in minutes, not days or weeks. As Oscar Shine, partner at Selendy Gay, put it: "It was a huge force multiplier for us in terms of looking out over this huge universe of documents and pulling out the essential things that the lawyers needed to know relatively quickly."

Human-Powered Thinking

We believe in AI-powered searching, human-powered thinking. Our tool doesn't replace the brilliant minds at Selendy Gay—it amplifies them. By mimicking natural conversation and providing cited answers, we helped the firm "get to the heart of factual questions about cases much faster," allowing their lawyers to focus on what they do best: reasoning, empathy, and storytelling.

Built for You, With You

Unlike off-the-shelf solutions, we worked hand-in-hand with Selendy Gay to customize our platform to their specific needs. This collaborative approach ensures that our tool evolves with the industry, addressing the real challenges faced by legal professionals every day.

The Future of Legal Discovery

As we look to the future, we're filled with restless optimism. Our partnership with Selendy Gay is just the beginning. We're fundamentally transforming how legal professionals interact with information, leading the way for a better kind of litigation.

At Fileread, we're more than a tool. We're a philosopher companion for the legal world, instilling confidence and trust with every interaction. We're here to help you find the insights that will win the case, to get your data talking so you can make the impact you were made for.

Join us on this journey. Let's shape a better future for law, together.

Read more about our partnership here:
